Biodiversity on a biodynamic farm
BioConsult SH has carried out a biodiversity survey focussing on avifauna on the land of Fattoria La Vialla, a biodynamic farm in Italy.
Documenting biodiversity
Fattoria La Vialla is a biodynamic family farm in Tuscany, Italy. With an area of around 1600 hectares, it is the largest Demeter-certified farm in Italy.
In 2023 and 2024, a comprehensive avifaunistic survey was carried out in representative areas of the Fattoria aiming to document biodiversity and assess the potential of the entire area.

© R. Schaack
Zitting cisticola (Cisticola juncidis)
Monitoring the avifauna
The surveys focussed on avifauna. Breeding bird surveys were carried out in four subplots. The four subplots served as a reference for the entire survey area and as a basis for analysing the potential of this area. In addition, migrants, resting birds and/or feeding visitors were recorded based visual observations and acoustic localisation.
Recording further species
In May and September 2023 as well as in March, April, May and June 2024, the insects, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, including bats, in the area were comprehensively documented in photographs.
A batbox automatically detected bat calls. The other mammal species present were documented using a wildlife camera alternately at five different locations.
Land use mapping and analysis of the potential
Land use was mapped and possibilities to enhance biodiversity in the area were discussed in a subsequent analysis of the potential.
With 1,253 breeding pairs in the mapped areas and 72 different breeding bird species, the Fattoria is characterised by a very high level of bird diversity. The evaluations of the analysis of the potential analysis show that 2,160 breeding pairs can be assumed for the entire Fattoria site.
Overall, 138 different bird species were identified in the area.
The biodynamic management of the Fattoria has a major impact on the biodiversity not only of bird life, but also of wild bees, butterflies, reptiles, amphibians, bats and mammals.
The entire farm area has a species-rich and ecologically stable system that presents a valuable contribution to the regional biodiversity.
Papers and reports
Further information
On behalf of
Project duration
2023 to 2024