Project red kite SH


In the "Project red kite SH", BioConsult SH and other project partners are investigating the red kite population in a selected region in Schleswig-Holstein in which there have been frequent cases of poisoning in recent years.

Four red kites in their nest. Two young birds and two adults.

Family luck in a red kite's nest. Both adults and the young birds sit in the nest. There is not much room here, but red kites can even raise up to four young birds.

The red kite is a bird of prey species which, despite strict protection, is repeatedly becoming a victim of poisoning. In the "Project red kite SH", BioConsult SH, together with other project partners, investigates and "looks after" the red kite population in a selected region in Schleswig-Holstein in which cases of poisoning have occurred frequently in recent years.

In addition to the monitoring of red kite territories, the project also includes the training of nest guardians, who then take more intensive care of individual red kite nests, especially during the breeding season.

Further information can be found on our project page.